How to get noticed on Twitter with Twitter videos: 7 tips

more people to connect with your company's Twitter videos? Everything is achievable if you understand how to leverage Twitter and its features to visualize your information in minutes! The fact is that Twitter is a platform that keeps track of time, yet it's probable that when you first start using it, you'll have no idea how to position your business to reach out to your consumers' hearts. So relax; we've here to save the day!

If you're wondering what kind of material to share on Twitter, go no further than this blog article. We'll walk you through the best practices for increasing the reach and engagement of your brand's Twitter videos.

1. Utilize the most popular Twitter hashtags

Hashtags are popular among users on any digital platform since they frequently find new Twitter videos. Therefore, you can be sure that your potential clients will be able to discover you if you utilize the finest Twitter hashtags for your videos.

This occurs for a simple reason: when users of this platform click on the "discover" magnifying glass at the bottom of the screen, they will be sent to a section where they can locate films sorted by popular hashtags.

Suppose you have a clothes e-commerce business and want to participate in the #loveyou trend, for example. In that case, you may provide unique discounts for individuals who find your Twitter video using this hashtag.

2. Create Twitter challenges

We know that Twitter users enjoy taking part in challenges, especially if they are simple to complete or don't cost anything extra.

For example, if you run an online gym, you might use a Twitter video to establish a 5-abdominal challenge for a week. Those that accept it are entered into a raffle, with the winner receiving a free subscription. Your users could download Twitter videos and share them on their own profiles for their followers and friends to see.

Every time you run a Twitter challenge, your business will gain more exposure since people will share your video on their own platforms, creating "mininfluencers" without them even realizing it.

3. Follow Twitter trends

Like the most popular hashtags on Twitter, Songs have a powerful hold on the memory of the user. If this were not the case, we would never search YouTube for "music that appears on Twitter."

When someone recognizes music, there's a better likelihood they'll stick around to view your Twitter video. Furthermore, many of them have their unique choreography to which you may adjust your business message.

Don't overlook this feature if you want to utilize Twitter to market your products or services. In such a manner that you may use a popular song to give brief explanations of what you sell without being overbearing. In other words, a film that makes you grin encourages you to go forward.

4. Use other brands' content as inspiration for your own

It's challenging to think about generating content for Twitter since you don't always know which Twitter videos are best for your company.

But don't become discouraged. It's a simple way to develop new content ideas for Twitter by viewing videos from your competitors or other companies; they don't even have to be connected to your industry.

So go through your rivals' Twitter videos and scribble down everything that comes to mind in a notepad or on your phone. Keep in mind that thoughts are volatile and easy to forget if they aren't written down. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

5. Prepare your Twitter videos in advance

Your material will surely enhance if you arrange it ahead of time. To do this, plan out what you'll do for this platform over the next week or month. You may create your own Twitter content grid using anything from an Excel file to a notepad.

Finally, preparing the themes will ensure that your Twitter videos do not get redundant. As a result, we've created a social media content plan to help you quickly organize your material. It's completely free!

6. Use influencer strategies

Influencers may be found not only on Instagram but also within the Twitter community. In this regard, it's critical to consider whether the influencer's audience is similar to yours. As a result, you'll be able to create films for Twitter that are tailored to the needs of these content providers.

Keep in mind that the most influential Twitter users are divided into market segments. If you own a clothing line, for example, pay attention to those that provide outfit suggestions. Ideally, you should be guided by the person's substance rather than their amount of followers.

In addition to this last aspect, we recommend that you look into the influencers' involvement. We frequently come across accounts with inflated figures.

7. Get to know the native features of Twitter

Another essential piece of advice is to become familiar with the numerous Twitter functionalities that have been increasingly popular in recent months. Indeed, it is a really expressive platform because you may create your own videos with your favorite music. This is where the well-known Twitter dances gain a lot of traction.

The audience interaction is particularly noteworthy because Twitter videos are easily downloaded, making all videos "shareable," unlike material on Facebook or Instagram.

Because it is a totally audiovisual and short-time platform, it allows users to view many films at once, resulting in increased permanency. In fact, according to a Business of Apps survey, users spend at least 45 minutes each day using the app.

Furthermore, a user may enable video alerts in their Twitter account so that they are reminded every time they post material. You should utilize this feature to ask viewers to subscribe to your Twitter channel and become aware of your videos. Finally, don't be afraid to get creative with your account. FancyFonts offers a cool Twitter Font Generate that lets you copy paste fonts directly into your Twitter posts and profile.


As you can see, Twitter is a welcoming platform, both in terms of its community and its content, that may significantly assist you in promoting your company. As a result, when it comes to advertising on this social network, put your best foot forward by including some fun and value in what you say.

Short video formats may not enable you to expound on your brand's merits. As a result, the most significant section of your speech will need to be cut out so that your videos can be seen. You have no idea how? Don't panic; we are confident that after implementing these suggestions, you will have increased exposure. See you later!